Let’s Talk!
We love nothing more than to talk about how the GEC Platform can improve school cultures.
We believe inclusion should be a baseline expectation. If you do too let’s set up a time to chat. Whether you’d like us to walk you through our multi-award-winning purpose-built platform, have a conversation about how inclusion in your setting could be improved, or discuss some of the case studies of schools and trusts we’ve already worked with, we’d love to get to know you.
If you want to dive in further before we talk, check out our virtual demo and watch a series of short videos by our founder Nic Ponsford.
If you’d rather talk, just complete the form below, telling us as much or as little as you’d like to, and we’ll be in touch to take things further.
Ofsted’s New
Inspection Framework
With the forthcoming Ofsted Scorecard putting a strong emphasis on inclusion, disadvantage, belonging and equity, our sector-leading GEC Platform is perfectly placed to help you meet the New Inspection Framework.
Connect with us on your preferred social channels to keep up with our latest thinking and activity.